

Art and antiques news from 2005

In 2005 after 10 years in the role, Lord Brooke stepped down as president of BADA. He was succeeded by Baroness Rawlings.

Arms and armour specialist Thomas del Mar became the latest Sotheby's expert to set up an independent business. He followed Kerry Taylor (fashion and couture), Graham Budd (sporting memorabilia) and Morton & Eden (coins and medals).


Bidder finally wins cross – at the Grosvenor fair

12 July 2005

DOUBTLESS unique, but in its way typical of the sort of success enjoyed at Robert Finan’s sale, was this Russian 18th century emerald, ruby and diamond cross, right, mounted in silver and gold.


The final recovery of the honourable Old Rodney

12 July 2005

As celebrations abound for the most famous of all seamen, another great British admiral was being remembered in spectacular fashion at the Nottingham auction rooms of Mellors & Kirk on June 16. The subject of a fierce engagement between collectors was the so-called Rodney Jug.


Charlotte enjoys her own £50,000 victory after 220 years…

12 July 2005

Few will be unaware that 2005 is the bicentenary of Nelson’s death at the Battle of Trafalgar, given the number of celebrations and exhibitions commemorating the event.


An object lesson in how to get the balance right

12 July 2005

Never was an event more aptly named than Brian and Anna Haughton’s International Ceramics Fair and Seminar, the veteran ceramics fest which celebrated its 24th staging from June 16-19.


A genuine Fabergé kovsch comes fresh from the kitchen…

12 July 2005

LIKE so much material where the name is so much part of the game, the exquisite objets d’art fashioned in the Russian workshops of Carl Fabergé have attracted copyists, repro-producers and outright forgers.

SOFAA’s new honours

07 July 2005

THE Society of Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers welcomed six new Honorary Associate Members at their biannual dinner in London last week.

£10,000 haul of antiques

07 July 2005

THIEVES escaped with £10,000 worth of furniture and antiques in a raid on a dealer in Staffordshire.


Folk tale proves the missing link

07 July 2005

English folk art with an American accent. Not only did the pair of child portraits seen at the Athenaeum in Bury St Edmunds on June 15 represent charming examples of early 19th century folk art, they also carried the name of an artist who would move to America shortly after they were painted.


Unique medal surfaces with tale of courage

07 July 2005

IT was just three weeks into the First World War when British destroyers engaged the enemy off the Heligoland Bight near Denmark.


Happy fusion for ATG couple

07 July 2005

Assembled family and friends witnessed a fashionable fusion of styles at All Saints, Worlington in Suffolk on June 25 when ATG deputy editor Roland Arkell married client services manager Elizabeth Lardner.

Walpole archive discovered at Kew

06 July 2005

A student has discovered a five-volume inventory of the possessions of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole, while cataloguing in the National Archives at Kew.

Collusion case payout may be in August

06 July 2005

CLASS-action legal specialists Garden City Group (GCG) believe compensation cheques linked to the Sotheby’s/Christie’s collusion case will be sent out by August.

Cross-border trade steps up a gear in 2004

06 July 2005

Non-EU imports and exports rise, with surges for Switzerland and others SLIGHT rises in UK art and antiques import and export totals for 2004 hide far more dramatic swings when assessed on a nation-by-nation basis.

New faster ATG online price guide

29 June 2005

ATG have now updated the search capability of the price guide on, and it is infinitely faster than before.

Gang steals half the lots on night before sale

29 June 2005

Horners Auctioneers in Acle, near Norwich lost half the lots for their auction when thieves broke in the night before the sale.

Alert over dud cheques

29 June 2005

Dealers are being warned to be vigilant following a suspected cheque fraud at the Summer Olympia Fine Art and Antiques Fair.


Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain has always been prized in some quarters but it is now generating much wider levels of interest.

29 June 2005

The July sales of Asian art will be notable for bringing two newly discovered pieces to the market, one in London and the other in Salisbury.


How Lincoln council found itself in hot water

29 June 2005

In the centre of Lincoln stands the Westgate Water Tower, built between 1905 and 1911 to provide the city with clean drinking water, but also as a permanent reminder of the major typhoid epidemic that hit the city between November 1904 and April 1905.

New home for Stair

29 June 2005

Stair Galleries and Restoration will move into new headquarters in Hudson New York in August.

Contemporary records tumble at Sotheby’s and Christie’s

29 June 2005

London turned up the heat in the market for Contemporary art when both Sotheby’s and Christie’s achieved outstanding results at their June evening sales.